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About Us

A time not so long ago nor far away, we began a mission to wash without single-use plastic. Products we use daily need to be both good for us AND good for the planet. A well-crafted shampoo bar is completely natural, cleansing and conditioning, and leaves zero waste.  Our 4-in-1 shower bars are shampoo, conditioner, body, and shave - designed to give you everything you need for trail and home in just one bar.  

Our Mission

To use our love of adventure to spark simplicity and inspire thoughtful actions in everyday life one shower at a time.

Simplify your routines and lifestyle

Connect with the outdoors

Protect the land and water that sustain us

The Difference

Our shower bars are designed to give you everything you need for trail and home in just one bar.

  • Less is more. 4-in-1 means shampoo, conditioner, body and shave soap, all in one.
  • Thoughtfully clean. Our shower bars eliminate: preservatives, parabens, phthalates, plastic packaging, trips to the recycling bin, and explosions in your suitcase or backpack.
  • Ingredients you can trust. We use only real, recognizable ingredients that are mostly organic and local when we can find them. You'll never see palm oil on our ingredient deck. Made in Michigan, we opt for a local, sustainably-produced alternative: pure locally-sourced lard! Just like our grandma's recipe.
  • Benefits from plants. Rich conditioning from ingredients like fair trade shea butter and castor oil provide a thick, irresistible lather that's great for your skin and scalp without all the synthetic surfactants in conventional products.
  • Mess-free delivery. With a shoofah (aka shower bar loofah bag), every bar becomes soap-on-a-rope. Shoofahs help generate amazing lather fast, make the bar last longer, help the bar dry quickly for easy storage, and keep your shower bar free from dirt, hair and debris.
  • Members of 1% for the Planet. One percent of every sale goes to conservation. 

About us - waterAbout us - water

Chances are, you’ve gotten bitten by the adventure bug just like we did. Maybe it was the first time you saw a blue ridge mountain sunset or heard the calls of loons echoing over a lake in the Northwoods or riding the surf on the coast. These experiences change us forever, and if we let them, they can change the course of our lives. Small drops make an ocean.

Let's make waves!

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