REDBUDSUDS opening in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
#RedbudRoadTrip Starts Here
Adventure season has begun! School’s out, summer trips are coming up, and we’re prepared with travel-ready shower bars and a few new things in the works. If you’ve got the travel bug and an itch for change this summer, you’re not alone. For the next few months, the Thoughtfully Clean Field Notes blog will take on a slightly different format as we accommodate summer travels. First, we’ll be inviting several guests to join and share their experiences with Redbudsuds and their perspectives on what it looks like to live gently on earth. In addition, we at Redbudsuds (myself, my husband...
GLOW with us in 2016
Happy New Year from Redbudsuds! We’re celebrating with a new Redbud Beauty Challenge: GLOW. It’s here. It’s 2016. Do you have your resolutions ready? For me, last year’s list included eating healthier, exercising more, being more reflective…. they’re all great ideas. But how about a New Year’s resolution that keeps improving lives even after the resolve of a new year wears thin? This year, I’m resolving to improve my impact on personally addressing climate change and inspire others along the way. I know that whatever I do is only a tiny drop in the bucket, but I’d rather be taking...