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Resources for Sustainable Gardening Anywhere

Resources for Sustainable Gardening Anywhere

Very merry or quite contrary: How does your garden grow? Whether you consider home to be urban, suburban, rural, backcountry, or on the road (you lucky van-dwelling adventurers, you), the benefits of gardening are vast: improved nutrition to land reclamation to mental health. We're excited to share some resources that have inspired us towards creative organic gardening. No matter where we find ourselves! Tools for Inspiration Books: The Omnivore's Dilemma (Michael Pollan), Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture (Toby Hemenway), Pest Control for Organic Gardening (Amber Richards) Documentary: Tired of food documentaries that leave you feeling depressed? Inhabit, produced by New York...

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Save the Boundary Waters

Save the Boundary Waters

It's #MotivationMonday! Enjoy this week's reflection on becoming an everyday activist to protect our precious planet at home, in our community, and beyond. While jogging through my neighborhood a few days ago, I heard an unexpected sound: “Oh__ Swee__t Can-a-da-na-da-na-da-na-da.” The crystal clear notes of a white-throated sparrow instantly transported me from my brick-paved street in Canton, Ohio to the “land of ten thousand lakes” -- the boreal forest of northern Minnesota. We don’t usually hear this bird call in northeast Ohio, only during spring migration. For about 10 years, I joined that migration north in the early summer to guide wilderness canoe...

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GLOW with us in 2016

GLOW with us in 2016

Happy New Year from Redbudsuds! We’re celebrating with a new Redbud Beauty Challenge: GLOW. It’s here. It’s 2016. Do you have your resolutions ready? For me, last year’s list included eating healthier, exercising more, being more reflective…. they’re all great ideas. But how about a New Year’s resolution that keeps improving lives even after the resolve of a new year wears thin? This year, I’m resolving to improve my impact on personally addressing climate change and inspire others along the way. I know that whatever I do is only a tiny drop in the bucket, but I’d rather be taking...

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